In line with European legislation, it is essential that each website user understands what cookies are and why they are used, so that users can make an informed decision as to whether or not to accept their use on their devices.
A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from the website to your computer’s hard drive via an anonymous code that can identify the computer but not the user and passively track your activities on the site.
The website may use both cookies that do not require consent to be downloaded to the users device and cookies that can only be downloaded with consent.
Strictly necessary cookies (which do not require prior consent): These cookies are necessary for the operation of the site and cannot be disabled in our systems. They are usually only set in response to user actions that constitute a request for services, such as setting privacy preferences, logging in or filling out forms. You can set your browser to block or have it warn you about these cookies, but as a result some parts of the site will not work. These cookies do not store any personal information.
Performance cookies (which require prior consent): These are used to count visits and website traffic information, so that we can measure the performance of the site (by checking which pages and sections are most popular, and better understand how users use our website), to identify areas that need improvement. The information collected by these cookies is aggregated so that it cannot be linked to any individual user – this makes the information anonymous. You can freely choose not to allow these cookies to be stored from the outset, or to disable them at a later date, via the appropriate Banner.
Targeting cookies (which require prior consent): Our website also uses targeting cookies, which can only be installed with prior consent. The targeting cookies installed by this website include cookies belonging to third parties, always provided that the user gives prior consent to their installation. You can freely choose not to authorise these cookies from the outset, or to deactivate them later, via the appropriate Banner.
Third parties can access the information collected through their cookies. Such third parties are:
Google Inc. (through its Google Analytics and Google Doubleclick services and, where applicable, through the Google Plus plug-in)
Facebook (through plug-ins)
Targeting cookies may include profiling cookies for advertising and retargeting purposes.
Profiling cookies for advertising purposes: they create user profiles to serve advertisements that are in line with the preferences shown by users as they browse the web;
Retargeting cookies: these are used to serve advertisements relating to products similar to those in which the user has shown interest (for example, by displaying product pages you have visited on our website when browsing affiliate websites) or to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns (ours or those of third parties)
Social media cookies (which require prior consent): In addition, our website allows some social networks (e.g. Facebook) to install their own cookies via their plug-ins. These cookies are managed directly by third parties and can also be used to serve advertisements in line with your preferences. You are free to choose not to allow these cookies to be stored from the outset, or to deactivate them at a later date, via the appropriate banner.
The installation of targeting and social media cookies belonging to third parties, as well as any other activity relating to such cookies, including the collection and processing of information, is the responsibility of such third parties. If you would like to learn more about these cookies and the third parties that can access the information collected or how to enable or disable them, you can read the cookie policies of these third parties by clicking on one of the following links:
Google Analytics: []
Google Doubleclick: []
Facebook: []
Processing methods Personal data are processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access.
Data controller
The data controller is WAL-COR CORSANINI di Aldo e Carlo Santini & C. s.n.c. with registered office in Pozzaglio ed Uniti (CR) Via Bongiovanni, 165, in compliance with the provisions of European Regulation no. 679/2016 on Personal Data Protection.
For any requirement, you can send a communication to the privacy contact person at the following address:
+39 0372 555511
Via Bongiovanni, 165
Pozzaglio ed Uniti (CR) – 26010
Compliance Aziendale
+39 0372 555511
Via Bongiovanni, 165
Pozzaglio ed Uniti (CR) – 26010
Walcor S.p.A. | C.F. – P.IVA 00735160194 | Capitale sociale: € 14.544.000,00 i.v. n. iscrizione registro imprese: 00735160194 | REA-CR 58046